Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trouble Shooting Guide for Fresenius 4008 Hemodialysis Units

Trouble Shooting Tips for Fresenius 4008 Hemodialysis Units


                                     Compiled By :Biju David,  Healthtronics  



General Guidelines:

1) Make sure that the following errors / alarms are not present before running the T1 test.

                            a) Power Failure

                            b) Dialines not conn

                            c) Shunt cover open

                            d) Connect conc.Line

                            e) Blood sensed by OD

                            f) Flow alarm

                            g) Water alarm


2) When T1 test fails, press “Test” key again and note the displayed error code before proceeding to technical manual for further clues.


3) If more than 1 test fails select “Test Service” ON (PCB LP 632 DIP switch array 1, SW 4 ON) & do the test individually to get the error codes of the concerned test fail.


Test Equipments:


                            a) Hemodialysis tester

                            b) Pressure guage

                            c) Graduated Measuring jar (100ml ,1000ml)

                            d) Flashlight.

                            e) Digital multimeter


Pressure Units:


1Bar = 14.5 psi =749.94mmHg


The Order of Troubleshooting :

1) Water Alarms

                            2) Flow Alarms              

                            3) Upper Flow Alarm

                            4) Temperature

                            5) Conductivity

                            6) Blood Leak

                            7) Pressure Holding Test Failures.

                         8) TMP Continuous Alarms

                           9) Hydraulic Test Fails

                            10) Blood Pump Errors / Level Detector Alarms

                        /Arterial Alarms/ Venous Alarms

                        /Heparin Pump Errors/ Diasafe Errors

                        11) Ultra Filtration Errors

                            12) Battery Fail






Possible Causes




Water Alarm

a) No Water Supply/ Low Pressure.

b) Pressure Regulator (61) c) Check the Inlet Filter

d) Water Inlet Valve


a) Water Inlet Pressure(0.95 to 1.05 Bar)



c) Check Valve 41

Use Diagnostics Program to check the water Flow Path.


Flow Alarm

a) Blocked filter

b) Defective valve/pump

(valve resistance 50 to 80 Ohms)

c) Calibration

a) Verify flow 300, 500, 800

b) Calibrate if required.

a) Create flow from diagnostics.

b)Verify Loading pressure (1.2 – 1.45 Bar)


Upper Flow Alarm

a) Degassing filter

b) Degassing pressure

c) Flow calibration





i) High temperature



ii) Low temperature

a) Incoming water temperature

b) Temp Calib


a) Temp Calib


b) Heater Rod.


a) Incomplete hot disinfection can be a reason!



a) Flow errors can lead to Low Temp Alarm!

b) Heater rod resistance around 30 Ohms




Possible Causes










i) Low Conductivity
























ii) High Conductivity


a) Dilution Ratio.



b) Concentrate or Bicarbonate



c) Conc. & BIC pump strokes and output??


d) Conc and BIC pump spring set broken??


e) Conductivity (Display ) Calibration



f) Faulty Conc or BIC Pump


a)Flow Errors







c) Concentrate or Bicarbonate


d) Conductivity (Display ) Calibration





a) Verify Dilution Ratio in Set Up Menu


b) Wrong or Expired Solution??


c) Calibrate if required



d) Replace if required




e) Temperature and Conductivity (display) Calibration




a) Verify flow ,Calibrate if required


b) Verify Dilution


c) Wrong or Expired Solution??

d) Temperature and Conductivity (display) Calibration




a)Normally 1+35.83(Nacl26);

depends on the A & B part

b) Provided the concentrate and BIC strokes and suction is OK

c) Ref: Calibration-Mixing System


d) Calibrate the Conc and BIC pumps after replacing the springs. Use the graduated measuring Jar to measure the stroke volume.










c) Ref: Set up- Dilution





Possible Causes




TMP / Dial Pressure

a) Dialyser membrane defects


b) Dial Pressure Calibration Required.

a) Replace Dialyser.



b)Continuous TMP Alarm / Pressure fail indicates Dial Pressure Calibration





a)Adjust 0 mmHg ( LP 633 Pot

P3) and do dial pressure calibration.


Blood Leak

Blood Leak and Dimness Calibration

Adjust both to 5 Volts.



Pressure Holding Test



i) Positive Pressure Errors







ii) Negative Pressure Errors





a) Leakage in Hydraulic system.


b) Dial Pressure Calibration




a) UF filter blockage


b) UF Pump Calibration


c) Broken UF Pump Spring set


d) Minute Leakage in Hydraulic system




a) Observe for leaks during Positive pressure test or Induced pressure test.








c) Observe/ Replace Spring set


d) Check tightness of hoses



a) Use a flash light.


b) Do Dial Pressure calibration only if the error code indicates dial pressure calibration.



b) Use the graduated measuring Jar.




d) Use Diagnostics program






Possible Causes




Hydraulic Test Fail


i)Rinse Failure Alarm














ii) V39 Failure.

a) Rinse Filters 148 & 149


b)Rinse Valves 91,99,100








c) Bibag Pressure switch 134

a) Clogged

Filter 210

a) Replace Filters if needed.

b) Most cases pressure leak due to loose hose at these valves

OR  Leak from Conc and BIC pick up line rubber seals.

c) Check PS 134 from Diagnostics.

a) 3 minutes before the end of cleaning program.












a) 1 minute before the end of cleaning program.


i) Blood Pump Errors














ii)Level detector Alarm


iii) Arterial Pressure Alarms




a) BP Power cord




b) Jammed Motor


c) Control Board






a) Air Detector



a) Arterial Pressure calibration


a) Replace power cord




b) Replace bearing









a) Calibrate Air detector

a) Power cord is the one connecting control board to motor




c) Do complete arterial calibration and BP speed calibration after replacing the control board






Possible Causes



10 Contd…

iv) Venous Pressure Alarms








v) Heparin Pump Errors




vi) Diasafe Errors

a) Transducer Protector ( P Ven)


b) Venous Pressure calibration


c) Venous Line set.

a) Mechanical problem of gear




a)F 03/ F02



b)F 34/ 43


c) Diasafe Pressure Transducer

Partially clogged female connection.








a) Manually rotate the gear to Top or bottom end and retest the pump

a) Dial Pressure calibration required

b) Damaged Diasafe Filter




















c) Replace Diasafe filter.


Ultrafiltration Errors.

i) Less fluid removal



a)UF Pump filter (74)

b) UF Pump Calibration

c) UF pump spring set

d) UF Pump





b) Verify Calibration

c)Replace if required

d) Replace if defective.





b) Verify the stroke volume (1ml/ stroke)


Battery Fail.



a) Battery


b) Battery Fuse (3.15 A)

c) LP 647


a) Battery Vol. 18 V .



c) LP 647 is in the Power supply module.








Diagnostics Program


1) On the service switch

2) Enter Diagnostics- Write outputs – Write Digital outputs – CPU 1 : Digital outputs.


Rinsing V 84 ( Disinfection Valve)


1) On V 87, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 84   (On -   1111)

2) Start Flow Pump (FP On - 0000)


Creating the Flow


1) Switch On V 24, 24 B, 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,87

2) Start Flow Pump and Degassing pump

3) Set On FL_ SW_ EN (Float Switch Enable)


Note: Balancing Chamber inlet /outlet valve combination can be switched off one group at a time to locate the faulty BC valve, if any.

















Blood Pump - Fresenius 4008- Stepper Motor Bearing Replacement